How Search Drives Collaboration Adoption
When I am organizing the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJams and putting together ideas for the 7 questions that we cover (after...
When I am organizing the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJams and putting together ideas for the 7 questions that we cover (after...
While Microsoft continues to dominate the collaboration and content management space, with SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and other industry-leading applications and...
A tool is only as good as your understanding of its capabilities — and then having a strategy on how...
In the early days of SharePoint (way back in 2006) while I was still working at Microsoft, we ran into...
If it’s been a while, now is a good time to review your existing governance policies and procedures. Many organizations...
What is the business value of chat? Is there intellectual property (IP) contained within your weekly team meetings? What happens...
The primary failures of most collaboration initiatives have little to do with the technology being used. Instead, the fault is...
Why is change so difficult? From an administrative perspective, it could mean you’re having to give up some degree of...
Who owns security and compliance within your organization? In my personal experience, this responsibility typically rests within IT — where...
Do you have the rights tools (and strategy) in place to ensure that your collaboration environment is successful? It should...