Community Feedback on #MicrosoftTeams

Following this morning’s #CollabTalk TweetJam during which the community discussed “The State of Microsoft Teams” I was able to connect with two of the panelists: Office Apps & Services MVP and Microsoft Teams champion, Tom Arbuthnot (@TomArbuthnot), and independent consultant and lead organizer of the upcoming Microsoft Teams-focused conference Commsverse Online, Mark Vale (@UnifiedVale). You can read more about the tweetjam on the blog post, which, as always, included a stellar panel of MVPs, RDs, and community experts joining together for online discussion via Twitter and the #CollabTalk hashtag.Commsverse Online - The Online Microsoft Teams Conference

These conversations fly by at a furious pace, but always deliver a wealth of information and best practices, no matter what the topic. This month was no exception, and it was great to catch up with Tom and Mark and share our personal takeaways from a very fast-paced and rewarding tweetjam.

You can watch the entire discussion on the CollabTalk YouTube channel below:


Thank you again to this month’s tweetjam sponsor Commsverse (register now for this FREE Microsoft Teams event happening July 6-9). Also thank you to our ongoing tweetjam sponsor tyGraph (@tyGraphTweets) and the amazing stats that they provide each month. If you are planning an event and would like to include similar stats, please contact them!

Speaking of stats, as you can see below, the final tally for today’s event was 334 tweets, with 1.95 million impressions, and 167.54k people reached in our 1-hour community discussion:

June 2020 #CollabTalk TweetJam Summary on The State of Microsoft Teams and sponsored by Commsverse

It’s great to see so many familiar faces on these tweetjams, as well as a handful of new faces within our 52 active participants (and an unknown number of lurkers). The top hashtags used this month included #MicrosoftTeams, #Commsverse, #SharePoint, #MVPBuzz, and #Yammer. Nice!

June 2020 #CollabTalk TweetJam Summary on The State of Microsoft Teams and sponsored by Commsverse

These events also have a global reach, with great participation across North America and Europe, as well as UAE, India, and Australia! Apparently, some people never sleep.

June 2020 #CollabTalk TweetJam Summary on The State of Microsoft Teams and sponsored by Commsverse

Finally, it is interesting to review the sentiment analysis in tyGraph around each question to add another dimension to the responses from the community. On the last page of the stats, tyGraph also provides a listing of all of the tweets and retweets throughout the entire event, allowing me to dig through the sentiment and look at the actual tweets sent to better understand what is driving this data.

June 2020 #CollabTalk TweetJam Summary on The State of Microsoft Teams and sponsored by Commsverse

If you’re interested in hearing more from the community on how they think Microsoft Teams is performing and where they would like to see improvement, be sure to read through the tweets from today’s event on the last page of the tyGraph stats and follow those who you connect with.

Looking forward to the next #CollabTalk TweetJam on Thursday, July  30th at 9am PDT as the community will rejoin to discuss another important topic. I’ll share updates soon, so please follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn for the latest news! Thanks

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is the Director of North American Partner Management for leading ISV Rencore (, leads content strategy for TekkiGurus, and is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits. He hosts the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

1 Response

  1. July 1, 2020

    […] Feedback on #MicrosoftTeams [buckleyPLANET | […]