#MVPbuzzChat with Melanie Hohertz

For Episode 242 of the #MVPbuzzChat interview series, I spoke with fellow M365 MVP, Melanie Hohertz, Enterprise Technology Global Content Lead, Associate Director at EY, based in Minneapolis, MN. Melanie is a distinguished leader in change communications and learning, renowned for her ability to revitalize companies with cutting-edge technology and strong employee engagement. Her impressive career spans over 25 years, during which she has honed her skills in strategic planning, implementation, overcoming resistance, and driving adoption to ensure maximum organizational value. Her achievements include launching and maintaining a robust Yammer network at Cargill, connecting over 43,000 members from more than 65 countries for seven years.

MVP Melanie HohertzBeyond her technical prowess, Melanie is a certified professional in corporate communications and change management, adept at leading high-impact projects that meld technology with process and cultural changes. Her approach is marked by a strong focus on enhancing both employee and customer experiences, with a keen eye on sustainability and systemic impacts. Melanie’s ability to solve complex problems, inspire change, and champion new work methodologies has made her a trusted senior advisor and coach, aligning stakeholders across various levels and functions. Her extensive expertise is further demonstrated through her contributions to significant industry events, including Ignite, SharePoint, and Gartner Catalyst, where she has shared her insights on collaboration tools and strategies.

If you would like to follow Melanie or reach out and connect with her, you can find her on LinkedIn and her speaker profile at Sessionize. When she blogs, it’s also on LinkedIn.


You can also find this episode on the CollabTalk Podcast on SoundcloudApple PodcastsiHeartRadioStitcher, and Spotify.

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is the Director of North American Partner Management for leading ISV Rencore (https://rencore.com/), leads content strategy for TekkiGurus, and is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits. He hosts the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

1 Response

  1. January 14, 2024

    […] 242, Melanie Hohertz (/IN/melaniehohertz/), M365 MVP [blog | video | […]