Event Plans for Q3

I thought I’d add a quick post to share some of my upcoming travels and event plans for Q3. Things are getting busy, and more events are being added, but here is what has been confirmed so far:

July 2023 CollabTalk TweetJamJuly #CollabTalk TweetJam (online)

On Wednesday, July 26th at 9am Pacific we’ll tackle the topic “The Future of Modern Communications” on Twitter using the #CollabTalk hashtag. These are always fast-paced discussions with great insights from experts around the world. This month’s tweetjam is being sponsored by Verizon Business. Take a look at our panel and the questions we’ll cover here. Hope you can join us!

DWCAUDigital Workplace Conference (Melbourne)

I’m excited to be heading back to the Digital Workplace Conference in Melbourne on August 2+3, where I’ll be sharing a booth with our partners in the region, Pack of 7. The event is a great blend of business and technical topics focusing on – you guessed it, the digital workplace. When not talking with customers and partners about governance, I’ll be presenting ‘Five Ways to Jumpstart Internal Comms with AI and Viva‘ on Thursday at 10:30am in the Perth Room.

365 EduCon365 EduCon (Seattle)

Toward the end of August, I’m heading to Seattle for the latest 365 EduCon + PWR EduCon double-event at the Seattle Convention Center, August 21st through 25th. I won’t be presenting this time, but will joined by Ragnar Heil at the Rencore booth where we’ll be showcasing our Rencore Governance product. I’ll also be representing TekkiGurus at the event, looking for new authors and sponsors.

August TweetJam (online)

The tweetjam will return on August 30th with the topic “Preparing Your Data for Copilot,” so be sure to add the date to your calendar. As always, the community conversation will begin at 9am Pacific and it is open to everyone via Twitter and the #CollabTalk hashtag.

September TweetJam (online)

And while I don’t have the topic and sponsor confirmed for September, you can block out the 27th at 9am PT for the latest in this monthly series.

I’m confident that more will be added, and I may come back and update this list. I’m participating in at least one webinar per month, hosted by Rencore or one of our partners. This includes a late August webinar with partners Pack of 7, and sometime in September I will be partnering with Richard Harbridge for a joint webinar with 2toLead. And finally, we’re also trying to confirm our Q3 date for a joint TekkiGurus, Rencore, and Barracuda webinar on M365 Security + Governance, so watch this space for updates!

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is the Director of North American Partner Management for leading ISV Rencore (https://rencore.com/), leads content strategy for TekkiGurus, and is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits. He hosts the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.