September 2022 Content Wrap-Up

Quick summary as I have a busy day and am back on the road tomorrow. Month 13 of daily posts is now in the books, and as I wrote about earlier in the month, my goal is to hit 730 days…after which I’ll figure out a somewhat less hectic content strategy. Probably. The main thing you’ll notice from this month’s content is a quieter list from AvePoint sites, as we took a pause on a couple of things as we reviewed analytics and refreshed our strategy. The #P2Pnow series will be back in October, with more #O365hours episodes, with plans in the works for a redux on the ‘Change The Channel’ podcast/webcast which is slated for a January re-launch. Watch for that.

Heading east to Arlington, VA in the morning for a couple days with the team, then to Branson, MO mid-month for the North American Collaboration Summit. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces. Planning to complete drafts on at least one eBook this month, and also get back on a regular schedule with posts on CMSWire, Reworked, and LinkedIn. Yes, that would all be in addition to the daily posts here on buckleyPLANET. I am a glutton for punishment.

Here was my content from this past month:

TweetJam and Teams10x on Governance

This month’s expert turnout was a bit smaller than usual with many of our regulars attending the EduCon Chicago event. Glad to hear that event did well, with solid turnout (in-person events are back!) and I’m waiting on a handful of them to respond with their answers to the tweetjam questions on Information Governance which I’ll fold into a couple of upcoming articles. I also presented in the Teams10x event on a similar governance topic for Teams. The session was recorded by the event team, but my slides and a quick summary are included below.

Expert Interviews and the CollabTalk Podcast

More MVP interview, which are published every Monday, as well as two #CollabTalk Podcast episodes, and one #O365hours entry. This list will be expanded in October, as I plan to get back into weekly podcast posts. If you are an active or former MVP or RD and would like to participate in the #MVPbuzzChat series, please reach out to me.

Community Questions with the M365 Ask-Me-Anything Panel

I love doing these short videos and answering direct community questions. More on their way in October, and more recording sessions being scheduled. If you enjoy this kind of content, be sure to follow my YouTube page for notifications, or search through the playlists by topic area.

Blatant Self-Promotion

I’m trying to get better about sharing my event and content plans, especially with the event schedule heating back up. In fact, I will be attending (and most likely speaking at) 1 or 2 events every month in 2023, and am looking forward to seeing more of you in person.

Favorite Music

And finally, more of my favorite music. I’m not planning to do this every week, but look for these entries every other weekend.

And that is a wrap for September. More on its way!

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is the Director of North American Partner Management for leading ISV Rencore (, leads content strategy for TekkiGurus, and is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits. He hosts the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.