Transforming Productivity with Microsoft Office and Office 365

CollabTalk tweetjam on Productivity Automation with Office and Office 365 at #MSIgniteAs part of next Wednesday’s “Office Takeover” theme at the Microsoft Ignite conference happening next week in Orlando Florida, CollabTalk will be hosting the  3rd of 5 tweetjams on Wednesday, September 27th from 12:30pm to 1:30pm Eastern on an Office-related topic — “Productivity Automation with Office and Office 365” that will bring together an assortment of partners, MVPs, solution providers, and community influencers who will join us online as well as in-person!

These online discussions are open to anyone — you do not have to be on the panel to participate, but can login to Twitter and join in on the conversation at any time!

If you will be attending Ignite, you can participate in the tweetjam and live stream in the Community Center in the OCCC West Building, where the @REgarding365 team will be live streaming the discussion for those participating in-person. For the rest of the online community, please join the community discussion using Twitter and the #CollabTalk hashtag, or through our dedicated tweetjam site at

This tweetjam is being sponsored by Colligo, with our amazing stats provided, as always, by tyGraph.

If you have never participated in one of these tweetjams, it’s pretty simple: anyone can jump in and share their thoughts, or just lurk in the wings and absorb the wisdom of the crowd. Either way, it’ll be a TON of content to consume in a single hour. You can follow the live session using the Twitter UI of your choice (, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Twubs, whatever). How it works is that I’ll post a series of questions every few minutes, and people will respond to Q1, Q2, Q3 and so forth with A1, A2, A3, always including the #CollabTalk hashtag with their answers. Feel free to reply as often (or as little) as you’d like, ask your own follow up questions, share relevant links, re-tweet others, and engage with the audience.

The questions we will discuss during the session include:

  1. In your experience, what are the trends driving internal or customer productivity?
  2. Where are organizations making investments in automation, and why?
  3. Has the role of IT been transformed in the last 2 years? If so, how?
  4. Based on announcements from #MSIgnite, will your collaboration plans change for the next year? Why, or Why not?
  5. What is the role of analytics in organizational productivity and collaboration?
  6. In your opinion, what are the hits and misses in Microsoft’s current productivity strategy?
  7. Which 3 products or services are you looking forward to trying out in the coming weeks?

Of course, there will be side-questions, side-conversations, and wise-cracking throughout. This is open to the public, so please join in the discussion! The dialog is usually thought-provoking but also fun.

Participating on this panel (so far):

  • Martina Grom (@magrom), co-founder of, Office 365 MVP and Microsoft Regional Director
  • Tracy Van der Schyff (@tracyvds), Office Servers and Services MVP and principal at The GUIDstuff
  • Randy Drisgill (@drisgill), SharePoint MVP and branding and design expert at Rackspace
  • Wes Preston (@idubbs), SharePoint MVP, evangelist,  and owner at TrecStone
  • Agnes Molnar (@molnaragnes), enterprise search & findability consultant/ceo at Search Explained
  • Maarten Visser (@mvisser), founder and product manager at Meetroo, business architect at Connected Services
  • John White (@diverdown1964), SharePoint MVP and cto at UnlimitedViz Inc.
  • Mark Jones (@markqjones), founder of Collaboris and
  • Matt Varney (@thevarnish), intranet manager at KCTCS
  • Nick Brattoli (@Byrdttoli), founder and lead consultant at Byrdttoli Enterprise Consulting
  • Maarten Eekels (@maarteneekels), SharePoint MVP and cto for Portiva
  • Joanne Klein (@JoanneCKlein), Microsoft MVP and owner of NexNovus
  • Katarzyna Bobrowska (@kbobrowska_), customer happiness specialist at KanBo
  • Max Fritz (@TheCloudSherpa), identity management, Office 365, AzureAD, and SharePoint expert at Now Micro
  • Sebastien Levert (@sebastienlevert), Office365 MVP and specialist in Azure, SharePoint, and O365
  • Drew Madelung (@dmadelung), SharePoint and Office 365 MVP and architect at Concurrency Inc.
  • Melinda Morales (@trulymelinda), solution consultant at 3Sharp
  • Paul Keijzers (@kbworks), Office Servers & Services MVP and Office 365 specialist at Wortell
  • Loryan Strant (@loryanstrant), Office365 MVP, consultant, and writer
  • David Drever (@DavidMDrever), SharePoint MVP and SharePoint services lead at Solvera Solutions
  • Juan Carlos Gonzalez Martin (@jcgm1978), SharePoint MVP, co-director of the magazine CompartiMOSS, consultant and solution architect at LKS
  • Marlee Long (@cardiolog), marketing manager at Intlock
  • Raphael Koellner (@ra_koellner), Office Servers & Services MVP, consultant at Bechtle IT-Systemhouse Cologne
  • Seb Matthews (@sebmatthews), consultant, entrepreneur, evangelist, freemason, world traveler
  • Darrell Webster (@reoffice365), Office Servers & Services MVP and co-founder RE:Office 365
  • Jeff Fried (@jefffried), chief technology officer at BA Insight
  • Noah Sparks (@noahsparks), Office Servers and Services MVP, community igniter and strategy manager at Brainstorm
  • Eric Overfield (@ericoverfield), Microsoft Regional Director, SharePoint MVP, and founder of PixelMill
  • Karuana Gatimu (@karuana), principal program manager for Microsoft Teams engineering at Microsoft
  • Ed Senez (@edsenez), president at UnlimitedViz and TyGraph
  • Debbie Ferolito (@dbraunert), chief marketing officer at BA Insight
  • Nikkia Carter (@carterMcGServ), ceo at CMW LLC and tech speaker
  • Alistair Pugin (@alistairpugin), SharePoint MVP and productivity evangelist at Britehouse
  • Mikael Svenson (@MikaelSvenson), Office Servers and Services MVP and cto at Puzzlepart
  • Benjamin Niaulin (@bniaulin), Microsoft Regional Director, Office 365 MVP and evangelist at ShareGate
  • Kanwal Khipple (@kkhipple), Office 365 MVP and founder of 2toLead
  • Brian Culver (@SPbrianculver), SharePoint MCM and founder, president of Expert Point Solution
  • Doug Hemminger (@DougHemminger), SharePoint MVP and evangelist with SPR Consulting
  • Bradley Geldenhuys (@bradgcoza), founder and ceo of GTconsult
  • Michal Sobotkiewicz (@michalsobot), founder and ceo of ObjectConnect and KanBo
  • Eric Riz (@rizinsights), SharePoint MVP and ceo of Empty Cubicle
  • Adam Levithan (@collabadam), Office 365 MVP and senior product manager at Exostar
  • Heather Newman (@heddanewman), co-founder and cmo of ContentPanda
  • Gokan Ozcifci (@xGokan), Microsoft Regional Director, SharePoint MVP, and IT infrastructure consultant at Neoxy
  • Tobiasz Koprowski (@KoprowskiT), Data Platform MVP, independent consultant
  • Mack Sigman (@mack_sigman), senior director for professional services at Coras, chairman of FEDSPUG
  • Stacy Deere-Strole (@sldeere), SharePoint MVP and owner of Focal Point Solutions
  • Ryan Schouten (@ShrPntKnight) SharePoint MVP, senior SharePoint architect and evangelist at ZAACT
  • Geoff Varosky (@gvaro), managing consultant at BlueMetal, president of Boston Area SharePoint Group, and co-founder of Boston Office365 User Group
  • and your host, Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet), Microsoft MVP, founder & ceo of CollabTalk LLC

If you would like to join our panel, please drop me a line. Otherwise, everyone is invited. And if you can’t make the time, keeping watching the Twitter feed for updates via my Storify page. You can also watch my Twitters via @buckleyplanet for updates. And thank you again to Colligo and tyGraph for your support of these CollabTalk tweetjams!

If you are interested in being a sponsor of a future tweetjam, please contact me at CollabTalk

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is the Director of North American Partner Management for leading ISV Rencore (, leads content strategy for TekkiGurus, and is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits. He hosts the monthly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.